Kinsella Email


You can have your own Email address at !!

You can have the same Email address for life - Even if you change Email providers !!


For only $1/ Month, ($12/ yr) you can have an Email address at And we will even deliver it to an email box of you choosing.


You could have Email sent to '' directed to your AOL Email box. This way you get your Kinsella email when you check your regular email. Even more importantly, you can change your regular email at any time, and your Kinsella email will follow it.

Just think, if your friends sent email to your Kinsella email address, you could change from an AOL account to an MSN account, (or any other) and never have to notify them you are using a new email service.


You can give out the same email for life. (even if you move your 'real' email service.)

To sign up, send an Email to with the username you would like, as well as the Email address you would like your emails sent to.

Then either send a check drawn on an USA bank, or a money order for $12 (US) or use Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! to sign up for at least a years worth of Kinsella Email service. Send the check or money order to:

Dan Kinsella
P.O. Box 43
Fairport, NY


Once the money has been deposited, I will set up your account, and activate your Email service.

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